I didn't write much, so I thought you'd appreciate the miracle from the last two weeks! The Christmas poem is pretty funny from last week!
This will give you a better idea of what's happening in our mission.
Love, Ben
Ben commenting on his mission president in a separate email: I love having one on one time with President Brown. He teaches me so much. We played basketball today for President's p-day, I posted up on President a few times. He demolished me! He's pretty good.
Snippets from The Miracle (weekly mission newsletter):
Mot du Président Brown - WARP SPEED
Long before any of you were born, or even thought of (except for some of us senior missionaries), even before the original Star Wars, there was a great tv/movie series called, Star Trek. The Starship Enterprise Captain was Captain Kirk. His Scottish Engineer in the ship's Engine Room was named, you guessed it, "Scotty" (Soeur Brown loves to call me that,. . . I don't recommend that any of you try it ;). Every episode involved an adventure of discovery on the fringes of the universe, where no man had gone before. Fairly often, Captain Kirk and his crew would face monumental challenges that would stretch them, and their starship, to the limit. At times like these, on Captain Kirk's order, Scotty would boost the starship's engines to "Warp Speed". As fast as that was, sometimes warp speed was not enough to save the universe. That's when Captain Kirk would call on Scotty for still more engine power. I can still hear Scotty's reply in his thick Scottish accent, "Cap'm, I'm giveen yuh all she's GAUT!!!" But, with the universe at stake, Captain Kirk knew they must find more power, more power. So he'd urge Scotty on, and, somehow, some way, Scotty would succeed in coaxing the impossible out of the starship and her crew, restoring peace and prosperity to the galaxy.
Well, my beloved Elders and Sisters, as Sister Brown and I await the "Boarding Call" for our flight home from our Zone Conference Interview Tour, we marvel at the tremendous progress being made by each of you in each of your nine respective Zones. The improvement in working with members and focusing on forever families (especially part-member families) is dramatic. All hands are on-deck, and yer givin' her all she's got. But, to achieve 1,500 lessons in the presence of a member in time for Elder Sabin's visit; and much more importantly, in order to baptize every one of the 250 Children of Israel given us this year, Heavenly Father knows we need more. More Faith. More Determination. More Prayerful Planning. More Progressing Amis. More Engages. And so He's urging me on. Somehow, some way, we must coax those on both sides of the veil to join with us, in a cataclysmic Confluence of Heaven and Earth, to accomplish our divine mission.
We are well on our way! Let's pull out all the stops! Let's invoke the power of the Christofferson Blessing every morning in personal/companionship prayer. Let's conclude our preparations for Elder Sabin's visit by smashing the 1,500 L.P. Challenge. Then, Elder Sabin will surely inspire us to sprint down the home stretch to victory. En Avant, En Famille!
Love, President Brown
The Night Before Christmas (By Elder McKee & Elder Kahn)
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the ville,
All the Elders are sleeping, cuz its 10:30 still.
The stockings were hung by the desks with care,
In hopes that Soeur Brown soon would be there.
The Elders were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of 20 lessons danced in their heads.
hoping that home has sent presents to unwrap,
once they awake from their long winter's nap.
When out on the chemin there arose such a clatter,
They sprang from their beds to see what was the matter.
Away to the window They flew like a flash,
careful to hide cuz their PJs do clash.
The moon on the breast of the new fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid day to the chaos below,
When, what to their wondering eyes should appear,
But a silver vivaro, and eight couples seen near.
When a little cute driver, pulled into town,
they knew in a moment it must be Sr. Brown.
More rapid than ever, shed put Elder Spoors to shame
And she whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"On, Walker! on Austin! on, Metcalf and Mahaffeys,
Now, Klemasz now, Rigby! Where's the, Snows and Sweeneys?
Now Hurry up hurry up there's no time to stall!
Why isn't this as easy as Elder Wade shooting a ball!"
forgetting the door "Lequelle" they did yell,
"the 4th" came a voice, twas Elder Menzel.
So up the stairs all the floors they flew,
With a sac full of candies, new iPad cases too.
And then, in a twinkling, they heard through the door
BYU Cougars updates, Sr Brown was checking the score.
Just in that moment President got out of the van,
made his way up and confirmed Aix to be better than Cannes.
He was dressed all in red, from his head to his feet,
With a smile on his face, he's got a plan sweet.
Hes bringing us tools for the stone from the mountain,
And even thought for Soeur Brown, a diet coke fountain.
He then dropped his sack, "Elders, pay attention,
What I’m about to say is direct revelation.
We will keep the flame from the feu de joie embers,
But nows the time to work with part members!
Now off to the ward council members you go,
Be respectful to their priesthood keys though!
Preach my gospel says to be bold,
this is how we will bring 250 into the fold.
This is the last trip in the vineyard, you know Jacob 5,
We will bring as many to the Paris Temple, whether dead or alive!"
And then after testimony, he prepared to leave,
turned towards the door ready to head to Brive.
The Elders confused, felt that something was missing,
they chased him down and made sure he was listening.
Where are the toys? Their eyes bright and gleaming,
Now come on Elder Kahn, You know the real meaning!
Then they all piled into the Vivaro,
What a story that we can skype home tomorrow.
But I heard him exclaim, as he drove off with Glee
"On y va Elders and Sisters, En Avant, En Famille!"
From an email received early Wednesday morning: Had a pre-Thanksgiving lunch today with your missionary. What a pleasure to have them in our home. |