Events I experienced:
Monday was great!
Tuesday was good too. We had dinner with the bishop. He's a huge Star Wars nerd and loves Legos. He has more Legos than anyone I've ever seen. It's pretty cool. We got them to make a family mission plan!
Wednesday was good. It hailed and rained, so that stunk. We taught Sam D., and did some tracting. Everything else fell through. We even tried to volunteer at the Red Cross, but they said they didn't need us. So we can't even get a job volunteering. Ouch.
Thursday was great, I went on exchange with Elder Richmond, one of my zone leaders. We got to talk to a lot of people and we saw P so that was awesome. P is a hilarious less-active member. I love Elder Richmond! I replaced him in Carcassonne, so we got to share Elder Garside stories. And, back in Brive, Elder Rellaford and Storti invited San to be baptized...and she said YES to April 16th! Such a cool miracle. Yes!!!!
Friday was good! Very busy. We got to have a lesson with Elo, Nes, and Mau. They all went well, Mau is not super open still but he's reading the Book of Mormon and giving it a chance, so that's cool. We'll see where that goes. We also met a new potential who has met with us before, we got her number so hopefully we'll see her soon. We had a lesson with Had too, we found him a few weeks ago. He started talking about how he is the rightful prince of Arabia. Yeah so it got very obvious very quickly that he's "interesting." Nice bloke, but...
Saturday was great, we had a good lesson and delicious lunch with J-L.
Sunday was good too, we found a new potential amie and fixed a RDV with a less active, so very productive! Our zone has 17 new engagés this week (investigators with a baptismal date). Our district has 16 total. Like Daniel's vision, the stone is rolling! Our engagé prayer list quadrupled in the past couple months! Up,to 4 pages! It's nuts. At last count, we were at 177 new engagés as a mission in the last month. Our goal was 187, the last numbers aren't all in, but we totally got it, no doubt!
Lessons I learned:
3 Néphi 8:7 in French: "7 Et il y eut des éclairs extrêmement vifs, comme on n’en avait jamais connu dans tout le pays." Haha it's perfect because it talks about the Brive eclairs!
Alma 16:16,17 describes France, really the whole earth right now: "And there was no inequality among them; the Lord did pour out his Spirit on all the face of the land to prepare the minds of the children of men, or to prepare their hearts to receive the word which should be taught among them at the time of his coming-That they might not be hardened against the word, that they might not be unbelieving, and go on to destruction, but that they might receive the word with joy, and as a branch be grafted into the true vine, that they might enter into the rest of the Lord their God." Our mission has been prepared by Jesus Christ for the coming of one of His Apostles. Of that I am one hundred percent sure.
(free) Advice I have:
"The Divine Gift of Repentance" by Elder Christofferson, October 2011 Gen Conf. An excellent talk for everyone, since we should all make repenting our business. Elder Christofferson wisdom right here: "In reality, the best way to help those we love--the best way to love them--is to continue to put the Savior first. If we cast ourselves adrift from the Lord out of sympathy for loved ones who are suffering or distressed, then we lose the means by which we might have helped them. If, however, we remain firmly rooted in faith in Christ, we are in a position both to receive and to offer divine help."
I love you all! I'm off to see an apostle, a wonderful servant of God (sing that to "off to see the wizard" tune). Ciao ciao :)
Love, Elder MacArthur
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Brive countryside |
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Elder Richmond, Ben and eclairs! |
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Ben, Elder Storti, and an enormous chocolate bunny. |
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