Events I experienced:
On Monday we taught a few lessons, didn't really get much pday but that's okay. We had FHE as usual, Elder Bleak taught me a little guitar, and we had a lot of fun! We walked into Monoprix to get some stuff and I heard something familiar over the radio: the theme song from an old British TV show called The Avengers! It was a rather serendipitous moment haha.
Tuesday was great! I went on exchange with Elder Bryce, our district leader. It was a great exchange! We taught two great street lessons and got two new potential amis! We saw B, a less-active, set up a rendezvous with the Cs in the ward, and we saw J. It was a great exchange! I love Elder Bryce, he's a great missionary and a very very fun companion. I'd love to be his companion someday.
Wednesday was one of the best days I've ever had!! We had district meeting, a really really good meeting, I may add. We talked about how to use all 4 legs of the chair (members, less-actives, recent converts, and amis) to fulfill our purpose. Then we got kebabs and ate them in the castle! Soeur Staples had never seen it but always wanted to go, so we all went and it was a super good bonding-time. We met the new Soeur in our district, Soeur Pellucci, and she's really awesome. After district meeting, we did some studies, saw J and J-C. J-C asked about visiting the temple, he says he wants to go soon to do work for his family members! SO ELECT haha. I love it. He is really great. I really realized that little miracles are all around us, and as we do what Jesus would do, we see the miracles! Great, great, great day.
Thursday was a great day! We spent the day in Limoux, an outer ville. We taught the C family and we got back to Carcassonne to teach J-C. He is excited about getting a calling! At the end of the day, we did bible prophecies! Your companion picks a random scripture from the Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price. Then they interpret it to prophecy what will happen to you in the upcoming transfer! My scriptures were 1 Kings 11:19, Galatians 5:12, Mosiah 19:5, D&C 98:40, and Moses 7:31. You can read them and see what you think haha! Elder Bleak thinks I'm staying in Carcassonne, having a lot of success with our ami Hela, with a really hard companion. Haha I don't know about any of it but it was really fun quand même. We'll see!
Friday was pretty tranquille. We had our Ward missionary council, weekly planned, English class, and taught J. We had a really good lesson, it definitely helped her to get closer to baptism! We also got transfer calls! I am staying in Carc for another transfer, and Elder Bleak is leaving me after 1 transfer! One and done haha. He gets to go to the Confluence Ward in Lyon, where he'll be in a trio equipe! And there are Chinese people in Lyon, so he'll get to do Chinese work again! He was called as a Chinese-speaking missionary and he really misses Chinese work. He's super happy and I'm really excited for him, even if I'm sad to see him go.
Saturday was a great day! We got to do service at the Bs. We got to see amis and say goodbye for Elder Bleak, and we had eggrolls with Frère V as a parting gift haha! I had 6. It was delicious. So delicious.
Sunday was a sad day. A great day, but a sad day. We taught J-C the restoration at church, and J showed up for the last hour! Then we taught J and J-C again chez eux. We said goodbye, which was really sad. Well I didn't say goodbye, but I'm still sad to say goodbye to Elder Bleak. I hope I see him again soon! It might have to wait until after the mission but ça va. Ahhhh it was a wonderful transfer. I hope to continue to make progress and become better in the upcoming transfer. And I hope it goes by slower, at this pace my mission will be over before Christmas. At least that's what it seems like!
Today, Monday, we got all packed up, cleaned, then went to the gare to drop off Elder Bleak and pick up my new companion, Elder Hansen! He's from Utah and he's really cool. I'm very excited to work with him!
Lessons I learned:
- I remarked the biggest lesson I've learned on my mission so far. I have learned to be more grateful for all of my blessings! We are all so blessed. Even those who feel that their life is awful are blessed beyond reason. Humans are short-sighted, we often do not see the big picture. Maybe your life is hard, even miserable sometimes! But in comparison to the eternity after this life, our earthly sufferings are nothing. Nothing! If we remember that this life is just a dot on the eternal timeline, we will be much more grateful for the plan Heavenly Father has given us.
- D&C 81:6 : "And if thou art faithful unto the end thou shalt have a crown of immortality, and eternal life in the mansions which I have prepared in the house of my Father."
- D&C 121:7-9 : "My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes. Thy friends do stand by thee, and they shall hail thee again with warm hearts and friendly hands."
"Behold the Man" by Richard C. Edgley. This talk is incredible! Elder Edgley is one of my favorites. It this talk, he addresses all young men trying to become men of God. He says: "...I address my remarks to a faraway friend and to all the “Bens” in the Church attempting to measure up as a man. So, Ben, let’s talk. We all seek acceptance and recognition as we enter the adult world. Adulthood comes to us one way or another if we live long enough. True manhood, however, comes only if and when we earn it... All young men must face the wiles of Satan. It is impossible to escape this fight. But it is always possible to come out victorious... Ben, you can describe a man in inches, pounds, complexion, or physique. But you measure a man by character, compassion, integrity, tenderness, and principle." This is very true! It relates to one of my favorite scriptures, D&C 53:2, where the Lord tells us to "forsake the world," to not give heed to Satan's idea of manhood. As I say often to my brother, "don't be intrigued!" Don't be intrigued when it comes to Satan's plan for you!
Also, "Lessons From Laman And Lemuel" by Neal A. Maxwell. Another fabulous talk!
I love you all so much! Thanks for your support and love! The gospel is so true. Pretty cool stuff.
Love, Elder MacArthur
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District Meeting! |
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J-C ready for baptism!! |
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Saying bye to Elder Bleak :( |
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Elder Hansen!! |
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